Top Yoga Benefits

Top Yoga Benefits -

yoga for strength

If you have gone through our previous section Yoga for Happiness, then you are well acquainted with the origin of yoga. Here, you will get to know about Top 10 benefits of yoga-

Reduce Stress

Stress sometimes serves as a good motivator, but when it becomes extreme. Then, it becomes a matter of concern. Yoga therapy is the best way to control your stress. Specific yoga techniques & meditations act as an efficient stress buster to put your stress down.

Improve Flexibility & Mobility

You don't need to practice yoga the whole day to improve flexibility & mobility. There are some poses that can help you. Practicing poses like the warrior or downward facing dog, could make you feel the benefit. One can only attain such mobility when it is practiced on a regular basis.

Boost your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is the main element that everyone should have. In order to tackle day-to-day hassle, self confidence is necessary. Without self-confidence a person becomes prone to depression.Yoga is the best way to boost your confidence. Performing yoga enhances your mind-body collaboration, and gives you a better understanding of your own body.

Increase concentration

Concentration is the ability to focus on a particular goal for a specific period. There could be various reasons that trigger distractions in your life. In order to keep your mind focussed, there are some efficient yoga poses like tree pose (Vrikshasana), eagle poses (Garudasana), crow pose (Bakasana), Half moon pose (ardha chandrasana). Trying these on a regular period can improve your concentration. Meditation also helps you in achieving these.

Support Immune System

Immunity plays a vital role in defending your body from complex viruses, or bacteria. Build your immunity strength with yoga. Practicing yoga can help you to decrease the stress level hormones in your body and serene the nervous system. COVID-19 emerges as a serious concern in front of the whole world. Therefore, Immunity is required to fight against the coronavirus.

Better Sleep

Yoga for Health

If you are experiencing sleeping disorder or insomnia that keeps you awake at night. Not to worry, just implement yoga in your daily practices like forward fold (uttanasana) or lying on your back with feet up can benefit you. It's a good therapy for resolving sleeping disorders or insomnia.

Weight Loss

You don’t need to go to the gym for exercise or trying certain measures. Yoga in itself is an efficient exercise that burns your calorie leading to weight loss. Daily yoga helps in maintaining your hormonal balance in your body. Some physical yoga that help in weight loss are Ashtanga, vinyasa & power yoga.

Better Breathing

Breathing deeply & calmly is an eminent part of every yoga practice. Breathing technique known as Pranayama helps you to focus on your breath. Trying breathing exercises will make you feel more comfortable & relaxed. Also help you to face daily challenges with confidence & calmness. Kick-start your day a fresh with Pranayama. If done regularly, it increases your lung efficiency & more tidal volume. Brahmri, ud-geet Pranayam are some best exercises .


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