
Showing posts from March, 2021

Placebo effect - Power of mind

  Placebo effect on health: Unveiling the truth A placebo is just anything or treatment that seems to be real medical therapy but in reality, it isn’t. It is generally a clinical trial to give relief to a patient from any severe condition. In the placebo effect, the whole concept revolves around the mind and is exactly helpful in countering several critical issues. During the ongoing placebo treatment, the patient faked by some kind of medical attention to which he/she considers suitable. As per their positive belief, the patients start getting positive outcomes in all their psychological and physical aspects.  Whatever the mind thinks the same is going to happen - that’s where the placebo effect works. Rather individuals receiving the placebo as contrary to the active medical therapy. According to studies, it suggests that around 1in 3 people experience the placebo effect.  What actually is the placebo effect? The person sometimes can have a reaction to placebo therapy. The reaction c