How to Boost immune System

How we can boost our Immune System?

When the whole world came to a standstill due to the sudden outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic. As we all are aware that this year 2020 does not remain as such good. The disease brings many issues. But along with that it also attracts the curiosity of millions to boost their immunity as well. This is the effective tool that helps people to fight against this pandemic. Not completely but to some extent it gives us a shield from life threatening pandemic. The emergence of coronavirus treatment raises the demand of substitutes that can improve your immunity. But that isn't easy as it seems to do it. Gaining immunity is not at all in a day’s work.

What does Immunity actually means?

Your immune system protects your body from infection. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues and special organs in your body. 

Some prominent parts of immune systems are white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. These parts of the immune system actively fight infection, germs & Viruses. 

In what manner does the Immunity works

If we talk about our initial fighter that is a skin & mucous membrane which act as a first line of defence against any bacteria, viruses, & other foreign obstacles. They commence as a physical barrier, & they also contain immune cells. 

If you ever get a cut in the skin, harmful microbes as tiny particles can persist in your body. But the cut constitutes certain immune cells in the bloodstream that eliminate the invaders efficiently. 

In any body infection, white blood cells recognise the microbe where it produces antibodies to tackle the infection, and help others immune to response in such a way to recover from that microbe. That’s why vaccines (for polio, hepatitis b,etc) are given for certain microbes  in a dead form where our immune system recognises it first & then produces antibodies against it. Next time any such responsible microbe persists, our immunity responds with the efficient attack. 

This is how our immune system works where vaccines are capable enough to handle any unwanted invaders into our body. 

Some Efficient Steps to level up your Immunity -

It’s not a one day work where you can boost-up your Immunity very easily. You have to inculcate a few good habits into your daily lifestyle. By following which you can increase the efficiency of the immune system. 
  • Don’t smoke, If you smoke then, stop smoking. 

  • Have plenty of fruits & Vegetables.

  • Exercise daily.

  • Keep-up your weight balanced.

  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in self-control.

  • Get required sleep.

  • Before having a meal, wash your hands & cooking the meat properly are some measures that keep you from infection.

  • Have amla’s daily prevention from cough & vitamin C deficiency. 

  • Minimise your Stress.

  • Take Giloy in your daily routine. That's an incredible way. 

Don’t take your health for granted. It is always said Health is Wealth. It doesn’t mean that as long as coronavirus pandemic remains then only you should consider immunity (coronavirus treatment) as your top-priority. It's high time that we should realize there are some do’s & don’t which we need to follow in our daily routine. Budding your immunity is not at all a day task. It takes some time, if you acknowledge some habits, diet & nutrition in your daily life. For more such useful information, kindly be with us!!


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