Trees are essence of Life - Chipko Movement
Merry Christmas everyone! On the occasion of this auspicious eve, I would like to bring your attention to the Importance of trees. The article is not merely about Chipko Movement but the core of the aspect - Trees is related to our Culture and our Values. Preserve and Nurture it. Let's get Started and please read it till the end. Do you love plants? Undoubtedly, you will be loving plants since we are in a digital modern era where vast estate development has steadily taken place. the sphere of greenery around the world is slowly depleting. At such times, longing for beautiful trees and plants around is quite obvious when we rarely see greenery around. Construction of apartments, malls, houses, multiplex create places more conjusted nowadays with the growing population. now semi-urban areas are likely to turn into metropolitan cities. In the name of development, there is something which we are living behind. Our culture is our trees. there was a day when we used to hug the trees i