
Trees are essence of Life - Chipko Movement

Merry Christmas everyone! On the occasion of this auspicious eve, I would like to bring your attention to the Importance of trees. The article is not merely about Chipko Movement but the core of the aspect - Trees is related to our Culture and our Values. Preserve and Nurture it. Let's get Started and please read it till the end.  Do you love plants? Undoubtedly, you will be loving plants since we are in a digital modern era where vast estate development has steadily taken place. the sphere of greenery around the world is slowly depleting. At such times, longing for beautiful trees and plants around is quite obvious when we rarely see greenery around.  Construction of apartments, malls, houses, multiplex create places more conjusted nowadays with the growing population. now semi-urban areas are likely to turn into metropolitan cities. In the name of development, there is something which we are living behind.  Our culture is our trees. there was a day when we used to hug the trees i

Tips to stay healthy during winter

Winter is here! The sudden occurrence of winter causes viral infections, cold, fever, cough, etc. It is a prime time when most folks fell prey. Their immunity and fighting cells go downsides. Thereby, it is bothersome to some extent yet needs a proper curriculum for a diet plan and exercise routine. Here in this blog, get to know how you can gear up amidst this winter season.  lets' few of the tips and hacks that keep you fit and fine even during winter.  Workout at least half an hour is a must as you can opt for Yoga, aerobics, or other physical activities at home. It could be even dance also. Regular exercise keeps your blood pressure level in restriction and further it level-up your Immunity.  Adequate sleep is required ie. up to 6 to 8 hours of good night sleep to raise strong immunity. It further reduces your stress level.  Try to decrease the consumption of ultra-processed and processed foods.  Take a sun-bath to procure Vitamin D, and spend your time with family underneath t

Placebo effect - Power of mind

  Placebo effect on health: Unveiling the truth A placebo is just anything or treatment that seems to be real medical therapy but in reality, it isn’t. It is generally a clinical trial to give relief to a patient from any severe condition. In the placebo effect, the whole concept revolves around the mind and is exactly helpful in countering several critical issues. During the ongoing placebo treatment, the patient faked by some kind of medical attention to which he/she considers suitable. As per their positive belief, the patients start getting positive outcomes in all their psychological and physical aspects.  Whatever the mind thinks the same is going to happen - that’s where the placebo effect works. Rather individuals receiving the placebo as contrary to the active medical therapy. According to studies, it suggests that around 1in 3 people experience the placebo effect.  What actually is the placebo effect? The person sometimes can have a reaction to placebo therapy. The reaction c

Benefits of Tea in Morning

Good morning everyone!! You would've probably taken a tea this morning. It's good to kickstart your day afresh with morning tea. Nowadays 8 out of 10 of every household initiate their day with this delicious tea. Did you know? The day with tea not only serves as an energy booster but it has numerous advantages also. If you are one of the tea lovers, here is some good news for you. Benefits of Drinking tea in the early morning - If you are a tea lover, then there are a few benefits which you should know about it: 1. Reduce stress No matter how simple or complicated situations you are in. It gives you a sense of relief while having a cup of tea. You can get a better insight into what you have to do and how to end it. Scientifically speaking “ Tea contains an amino acid known as L-theanine that gives soothing and peace of mind.” Also, it has been reported that black tea aids in bringing down the cortisol level by 47%. If you are feeling a bit drowsy, get a sip of tea as it has ca

6 ways to improve your concentration

  How to improve focus and Concentration? “Focus is the key to success.” - The world’s prominent and richest man’s Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both agree that focus is the essential factor to success. The focus is the only aspect in life that helps anyone to push themselves utmost to achieve something. Anyone can lead their life the way they want to be.  Focus is what students need to get through important exams, scientists need to research, entrepreneur to run a business. Nothing can be gained with the absenteeism of focus and Concentration. Here, in this blog, we will tell you the ways by which anyone can increase the concentration by themselves to achieve your goals.  What alters the concentration? There are various factors that trigger the concentration issue for anyone. Sometimes people with aging confront concentration issues accompanied by memory loss. Head or brain injuries including concussion, as well as the mental health situation, has a direct impact on concentration.  It

Anulom Vilom Pranayam Benefits

  Anulom Vilom Pranayam benefits Health plays a significant role in increasing life expectancy of the human being. To enjoy every bit of life you need to be focused and health-oriented. For this, some may prefer aerobics, while others would love to hit the gym. Everyone has their own preferences and likings to keep their well-being up to the mark.  Apart from these, we would like to put an emphasis on one of the ancient and dedicated yoga and meditation art ie.- Anulom Vilom Pranayam or alternate breathing technique. This blog is to keep you informed about the anulom vilom pranayam benefits.  Anulom vilom in simple terms, we can say a breathing technique where we control our breath up and down by using alternate nostrils. It is a highly effective breathing technique that carries optimum advantages especially to those who used to practice it daily. Through this breathing technique, you can control your breath by holding one nostril closed while inhaling, then holding another nostril clo

Social anxiety Disorder - Causes and Treatment

Dealing with a social anxiety disorder (SAD) Do you always try to avoid social interactions? Readout this to know the symptoms treatment and self-care for a social anxiety disorder or social phobia. What is Social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social fear It is common to feel nervous during the occasion like giving a speech in front of a thousand people or being interviewed for a new job but here social anxiety is more than just shyness or nervousness. Social anxiety disorder is a somewhat extreme fear of social interactions. The situations may become so disturbing that you continuously think about them or put the whole effort in avoiding the interaction with others. This would disrupt your social life. In other words, it can be said that social anxiety disorder is a fear of being analysed, assumed, or evaluated by the people. Probably you may know that your fear of being assumed is irrational ll you still can't rescue your fear or shyness. No matter how painful your shyness or fear