6 ways to improve your concentration


improve your concentration

How to improve focus and Concentration?

“Focus is the key to success.” - The world’s prominent and richest man’s Bill Gates and Warren Buffet both agree that focus is the essential factor to success. The focus is the only aspect in life that helps anyone to push themselves utmost to achieve something. Anyone can lead their life the way they want to be. 

Focus is what students need to get through important exams, scientists need to research, entrepreneur to run a business. Nothing can be gained with the absenteeism of focus and Concentration. Here, in this blog, we will tell you the ways by which anyone can increase the concentration by themselves to achieve your goals. 

What alters the concentration?

There are various factors that trigger the concentration issue for anyone. Sometimes people with aging confront concentration issues accompanied by memory loss. Head or brain injuries including concussion, as well as the mental health situation, has a direct impact on concentration.  It's very irritating when you’re trying your best to concentrate but just unable to do so. It further adds to stress and frustration. 

6 ways to improve your Concentration

Read out the given below tips to enhance your focus and concentration  -

  1. Games to improve your concentration

Try various activities and games that need concentration and thinking power. It's the best way to enhance the concentration level. You can play attention-seeking and entertaining games like sudoku, crossword puzzles, chess, jigsaw puzzles, or some memory games. 

  1. Get adequate sleep

A lack of adequate sleep can result in too many problems for you. Not having enough sleep at night can affect the mood and work-performance. It can easily disrupt the concentration. It is recommended to have enough sleep for a good memory and attention. 7-8 hours of sleep is advisable to adults for good mind and body. 

  1. Take a break from social media

It's essential to take a break from social media. As remaining active on social media is quite overwhelming and it may have negative consequences. Around 2.8 million people throughout the globe use social media on a regular basis. Turn off all the social media notifications and applications to stop the urge of using it. 

  1. Work Intermission

From time to time, it's necessary to take a break from your work. In order to keep oneself refreshed and motivated, it is imperative to take a rest in between. 

  • Break in the morning would work to replenish your mind.

  • You can have an intermission to enjoy the break by playing TT, billiards, lawn tennis, and so on, giving you better recovery and helping you to focus on work. 

  • frequent short breaks to facilitate recovery

  1. Yoga and meditation

Being a student if you are lacking somewhere due to learning disability or concentration issues. Then, you can curb these issues by practicing yoga and meditations on a regular basis. There are various regular exercises like Tree position (vrikshasana), Eagle pose (garudasanas), crow pose (Bakasana), etc. Also learn some breathing techniques such as anulom-vilom, bharamari, etc are some effective techniques. It is one of the best therapies to improve concentration. 

  1. Foods for Better Brain Power

For enhancing brain power, you might want to add food like walnuts, avocados, fatty fish, berries and green leafy vegetables, and chocolate to your diet.  To increase your ability to concentrate, you might want to add some walnuts, avocados, and chocolate to your dietary repertoire.

Memory improving foods

  • Green leafy Vegetables - As per research plant-based foods aids to reduce cognitive decline. Leafy green vegetables including kale, spinach, and broccoli are abundant for your brain health nutrients such as Vitamin K, lutein, folate beta, and carotene.
  • Fatty Fish - The abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids is good for your health and mind. You can try a variety of fishes that would be low in mercury including salmon, cod, canned light tuna, and pollack. At Least once a week you can add this into your diet. 
  • Berries - keep your memory up-to-mark and level-up with Flavonoids, the natural plant pigments that deliver berries their brilliant tone. You will reduce the impact of aging in memory decline by intake of strawberries and blueberries. 
  • Walnuts - Nuts are a rich source of proteins and healthy fats and one type of nut specific might enhance your memory. It's a type of omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which aids in lowering blood pressure and defends your arteries. It's healthy for your heart and mind. 

With the aforementioned tips, you can fix your concentration issues and enhance the ability to focus. For more such useful updates on health and wellness, kindly be with us!!


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