Stress - Signs, symptoms & causes

Feeling stressed or depressed? Here few thing which you need to be know about Stress. In general, It is an experience of feeling emotional or Physical distress. This can occur from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is a body's response against any challenge or pressure. But, when the stress go for a prolonged time, then it may start affecting your Health. 

Types of Stress -

Acute stress -The acute stress is a short term issue that remains for a short duration. It happens when you have a fight with our partner, sudden work-pressure, slam on the brakes, etc. It helps you to manage extreme situations. While doing some new or extraordinary  tasks, it occurs. Everyone have acute stress once in a while. 

Chronic Stress - It's a kind of stress that can affect your health severely. This type remains for a longer period of time. You may face chronic stress while facing money issue, unhappy marriage, trouble in work-situation. Any kind of such instances leads to stress that remains for weeks or months is called chronic stress. In case you don't find the ways to deal it may lead to health problems. 

Signs & Symptoms of Stress

Stress in itself is a big concern where people have to face certain physical & psychological issues. Let's have a look at the symptoms that states you are going through issues at extreme level. 
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • High blood pressure.
  • Aches & pain often.
  • Headaches
  • extreme tiredness. 
  • Depression or anxiety.
  • Sexual problems
  • Stiff jaw or neck
  • Tiredness
  • insomnia or too much sleeping.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs
  • frequent weight gain or less.
The life is full of uncertainities, & we as a human being can't have control to every of the issue. At the moment your regular life style has a direct impact on your mind & body. there are few yoga exercises that helps you to get rid of it. If you recognised any of such  anxiety signs & symptoms, then you should consult any  experienced counsellors. They with required therapy & counselling sessions help you to recover from the issue. Once you connect to the Professional you will stress management tips. 


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