What is meditation? Things you need to know about it

 Know the Importance of Meditation

Meditation & Yoga

Meditation is a process of finding peace in an inner world. In our day-to-day life, we have been preoccupied with so many things that we don't perpetuate time for ourselves which is not right for our mind and body. Its important to give some time for our mind. Meditation is just like a food for our Psychological well-being. Being positive (feeling happiness) after confronting  hardships in a life is what we can say a kind of meditation. Like our physical body need food for survival. In the same way meditation is a food for our mind. when we don't give space to our mind then we get into trouble & trapped in the diseases like stress, depression, anxiety. 
There are so many things that can define meditation. It may includes a happy mind, fun-loving, feeling good, self-awareness, mindfulness & so on. Are you having these, if so then its a kind of meditation. The purpose of the mediation is to attain inner peace. Free of worries, anger & any kind of grief that's all define meditation. knowing oneself is a meditation. If you have ever read about our earlier sage (rishi's) they have attain the perfect state of meditating state. Even remaining alone, they were not at all sad or depressed. They used to do their daily chores like others do in today's & devoted their god. when the world is lured with the technological advancements. The competition of getting ahead bring everyone's in the state of solitude. There is a wide gap observed between parents & their sons. Why so? In the race of acquiring success what we are leaving behind. If we go much in detail there are so many things which would not be possible for us to mention it in the single blog.

What is meditation actually?

Meditation is not different from a science. Actually, its a part of science but in natural way. Well everything is artificial now, even a human smile. But meditation is a complete realistic. what you can attain from a fake smile anyways. Practicing meditation gives you an inner satisfaction, relaxation for every sort of stress. You will get the fresh ideas & positive approach to deal with daily hassles. You will feel the peace now. Its a good habbit that needs to  practiced daily. I know many of the people  little bit confuse about it- What is meditation? They sometimes linked yoga with meditation. Yoga is an exercise or position that gives attention towards your body's ability. This enhance your body's coordination with the mind whereas meditation improves mind coordination with the soul. 

It is scientifically proven that those who follow daily meditation practice, they are likely to get low or zero chances of these problems -
Lower blood pressure
Reduce anxiety
Decrease your pain
Lower your depression.
Improves the sleep.

There are numerous benefits which any practitioner get & remain protected from any mental ailments. Its a best therapy which any one could procure. It is completely free you don't need to visit any counsellors or Doctor. All you have to do is inculcate the types of meditation that keeps you near to the nature. 

How to do meditation?

You can start meditation from your home comfort. You don't have to visit any centers. Nature is available to anyone. So, you can do this from your home also. To do this, Only you need a mat to sit,  there are some kind of yoga posses that is quiet beneficial for your health. Meditation generally involves where you have to keep a control over your breathing.

Meditation pose

Several breathing techniques like bhramari, anulom-vilom, udgeet pranayam, & so on are included in the meditation. It involves taking the oxygen in & out. While doing so, we believed that we are taking the positive & happiness in & while exhaling we let out all the negative thinking involving stress & tensions. 15 minutes of breathing exercise is efficient to keep you refrain from all mental ailments. Moreover it gives you fresh ideas to handle extreme challenges smoothly. Your face shines, positivity surrounds your body & feel like calm & confidence from inside. 

Hope now you have get to know - what is meditation? For more such useful & healthy updates, kindly be with us!!


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